Living Landscape Exhibition 15th July

Several Year Eight students have submitted photographs from around Oxford, along with paragraphs introducing them, to be a part of the Living Landscape Exhibition this Saturday at the Oxfordshire Museum in Woodstock from 10.30 - 4.30pm today (15th July).
The Oxfordshire Museum in Woodstock invited the Rumble Museum to be a partner in their Living Landscape Project. This is part of a national project, involving creating an online exhibition of community responses to local areas. 
Students chose a broad and eclectic range of places to represent their perspectives of growing up in the city of Oxford, some of which were chosen because they are striking and interesting, and others because they reflect an aspect of life in Oxford that is not usually thought of by tourists and visitors. George Doubtfire chose the Maths Institute, saying "I've chosen the Maths Institute, because when I was five years old, our librarian won a chance to take six pupils there... even the tiles outside are mathematically designed by Roger Penrose". Izzy Lewis chose the Ice Rink: "It's a place where I have fun and do what I enjoy - skating". Sacha Whitehall chose the Isis Lock, saying "the settlement of Oxford would never have been created if it weren't for the river". Erin Snape took a photograph of a bike locked to a bridge near to Christchurch, explaining how the river and also the university were important to the city. Usman Baker chose Bury Knowle Park, where he enjoys spending time reading.
Abi Tompkins, who has organised the Living Landscape Exhibition, says: “The HLC is a public resource and free to use by anyone who wants to explore Oxfordshire’s landscapes. It hopes to inspire a new way of thinking about the past all around us. Students at Cheney School and the Rumble Museum have been photographing parts of the county which mean something to them and telling the stories behind these photos. Their wonderful collection of images and memories are  being exhibited at a one-day event at The Oxfordshire Museum, Woodstock on the 15th July.”
You can visit the exhibition in the Coach House of the Oxfordshire Museum any time until 4.30pm today.