"Mighty Midget" World War Two Air Raid Shelter Books

We have two "Mighty Midgets" books in our War and Weaponry Collection. Our two books are called "Dogs in War" and "I'm a Parachutist".

The Mighty Midget range of books were produced for children spending time in Air Raid Shelters in World War Two. They were 32-page books which measured 3¾ inches by 2½ inches. They were sold at threepence, and subsidised by a full page advertisement on the back. Some of the books contained stories liked Tom Thumb and Oliver Twist , while others were specially written with patriotic titles like Munich for Tonight and I captured a U-Boat. They were printed in the East End of London by W Barton (Publishers) Ltd., of Central Street, EC1.

The scripts aimed to be uplifting, with positive endings and brave children playing an important part in many of the stories. The aim was to distract the reader from the drone of aircraft overhead. The small books fitted neatly into pockets so that they could be kept to hand in case the sirens sounded in the dead of night.