"Suffragette" Newspaper: May 2nd, 1913

We have an edition of The Suffragette newspaper in our Women's Suffrage Collection.

The edition is dated Friday 2nd May, 1913. It was the official publication of the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU), a militant organisation of women which advocated civil disobedience in order to promote their campaign for women's votes. Initially, the circulation of the newspaper was about 17,000. The Home Office tried to suppress the newspaper, and on 2nd May 1913 Sidney Granville Drew, the managing director of Victoria House Printing Company which printed the newspaper, was arrested.

 WSPU's co-founder Christabel Pankhurst fled to France to avoid arrest and suffragette Annie Kenney was put in charge of the WSPU in London, including the publication of The Suffragette. Kenney arranged for it to be printed in Glasgow. The police strove to suppress the newspaper, which reduced circulation to 10,000 a week.