We are delighted to be launching a new project, the Living Museum, which enables students to explore, introduce and display objects from their own lives at the Rumble Museum.
The initiative involves children, staff and members of the wider community choosing an object from their homes and lives, and writing about why this object has become important to them, and what the object is. The objects they choose are then displayed in the Living Museum cabinet in the Rumble Museum for a period of time. Their stories will appear in display boards and also online on the Rumble Museum site.
The aim is to encourage children to engage with the objects in their own lives, exploring them from the perspective of the items as both personal and historical artefacts.
Every term, the objects in the cabinet will change, as previous display objects will be returned to their owners, while new objects will appear, chosen, researched and written about by different students, staff and members of the wider community.
If you would like to submit an object for the Living Museum, please get in touch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.