Section 4: Greek Myths
Hawthorn Tree
Hear broadcaster, journalist and author Jeremy Paxman as the voice of a Hawthorn below:
Beech Tree
Helen of Troy, the most beautiful woman in the world, carved the names of all her suitors into the bark of a beech tree.
Crabapple Tree
The nymphs of the evening (Hesperides) guarded a golden apple tree. The apples gave whoever ate them immortality. A dragon called Ladon also guarded the tree.
Oak Tree
Byblis was a princess who fell in love with her brother. She was cast out in shame, but nymphs took pity on her and turned her into an oak tree.
Here Roman Mysteries author Caroline Lawrence as the voice of our Oak Tree below:
Scott's Pine Tree
Pitys was a nymph in charge of tending to pine trees. The North Wind fell in love with her and grew jealous, and threw her into a rocky ledge. She was turned into a pine.
Plane Tree
The ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates is said to have taught medicine under a plane tree. The Roman writer Pliny notes lots of uses of its bark in medicine.